Thursday, July 10, 2008

The story so far ...

So ive been in Texas for exactly 2 weeks now ... and i have to say ... its been a rather lovely time so far!

So an average day for me ...

8am - I get woken up with a little knock on the door ... So i pretty much have about 5-10mins between this knock and when sarah and tommy leave, so its my job to try and wake up in these few mins so that im ready to go with the kids!

i have my own little room here, it has 1 bunk bed with a desk and a walk in wardrobe (which i have to say is pretty cool) - Sarah, Tommy, Tom (4 years) and Joshua (1 1/2 years) live just across the way, so their never far away!

8-12pm - Is class time for S+T so its time for Sam the Manny to kick into action. What we do depends on the day really, how the kids are behaving etc. We normally start off with just a little 30Min's program on the tv so i have a few more Min's to wake up and they can have a little sit down if they want so they have lots of energy for what is coming!

Some morning we may go swimming, which i can tell you is not an easy process! having to get 2 little boys (well 3 if you count me) ready for swimming, all sun creamed up etc well its not a quick process! Its a really nice swimming pool here, and the kids seem to enjoy it very much!

Other times we may venture out to the farm. Its run by mercy ships so all the people there are very friendly, and if we manage to catch one around they are always very keen with the kids :D So far the kids have managed to hold warm eggs that have just been layed, walk in with the chickens, play with the bunnies and chase a cat around :D - This activity also takes up a surprising activity. Once again you have to start with sun creaming the little ones (you do for most things! its pretty hot here!) then walkin about 2 miles with 2 Little ones is quiet a task! and of course there is always a need to check the warmth of the swimming pool water on the way home for some reason!!!

Others times we might just go for a walk around the rather large campus or do some activity!

This morning last week i was invited by some mothers to take the boys to play football with them! this was a really good idea in theory, however in practice very not! Tom being 4 was prob youngest by almost 2 years and he really doesn't have the confidence or the love of football yet to pull him through. Which was a shame really cause the people were all lovely! I tired this morning to see if he wanted to try it again, but i could see in his little eyes that he really didnt, so i didnt push it ... so this morning we have just seen some strange music video film thing! But in a little while we shall go to the swimming pool and met the kids after they have played football.

12-1 - LUNCH!!! so lunch here is good i would say! for havin to cook for a fair amount of people they do an amazing job and if you dont look at the list i dont think you could ever predict what its gonna be so its always a nice surprise! Lunch also gives me a little breather if they boys have been hard work in the morning.

1-4 Normally that is - Now joshua has a little sleep until 3 so me and tom just have a bit of a rest together. We will just chuck on a film and see how it goes,of course it always gets made alot longer with toilet, drinks and snack breaks! (and even a phone call or two from nanny!) If tom is feelings a little more active we will have a bit of a draw or play while watching the film. Then when joshua wakes up its normally time for a bit of a cuddle with him for a while till he wakes up properly then a little play and its time for mummy and daddy to come home!

5-6 DINNER!!! so pretty much see lunch if you wanna know what this is about!

On a side note though, dinner and lunch are really good times cause you get to sit next to people of very varied ages and from very different backgrounds. Which i think is a rare thing, and only in this kinda environment would it work! And i have to be honest ... i love it!

The whole task of looking after the kids would be a heck of a lot harder without all the lovely people that there are here! Maybe ill start naming a few sometime, but right now they know who they are :D

6-onwards - So the evening are normally freeish for me, Saying that i really dont mean it! So nights s+t have had meetings to attend so i still have the kids. But most evening i have my job as "Family dorm social sec" - So as a group of family dormers and some added friends we find ourselves doing various fun things!

just chillin out - you can work out what that is
family dorm games - now the most popular games are perudo (will prob expand on this later), 7 up 7 down, Some game about a river, Nertz, Speed scrabble, and taking the mick outta americans.

walleyball - Yes im sure you are thinking ive miss spelt volleyball, but for once i havent! Now its kinda like volleyball ... buts its played inside in a racket ball court and your allowed to hit the ball off the walls, which is all a little confusing at times, but very good fun none the less!

Out activities - Like this weekend i have the cinema and goin to a real texas rodeo planned! So far ive done other things like July 4th fireworks and goin to the largest flee market in America i think!

So ive been a little distracted by the kids for a while now, and ive kinda lost the flow and have no idea what else i need to write!

So im gonna leave my little story so far here, but if you have any questions or anything please let me know! and im sure ill add other stuff along the way as i think of it :D


The Rollands said...

I must tell you that you are our very most favorite manny in the whole world! And it's really nice to read about what you fellas do while the rest of us are in class!

Stalker said...

I am absolutely loved readin that Sam


Keep up the posting..we miss you back here...its nice to see what you are doing :)

Oh and your blog hates me I have left this comment 3 times now...where do they go!! ..I bet the other 2 show up later :S