Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Jenny!!!

So yup yup yup ... Happy Birthday Jenny!!!

Ok, so i need to do a little flilling in for a few of you i feel ... So any1 that is reading this and knows Jenny wont need to have this explained to them cause they all ready know it!

But to the rest of you ... Ok so Jenny (as a friend of mine says about himself) "Is kinda a big deal"

So Jenny has the enourmous pleasure of living on a hallway with my sister and her family and ME!!! ... well and her husband John! Who i would like to add, is a bit of a legend himself, i saw him just wearing a shower curtain the other day, very strange!

So anyways back to Jenny, she is the mother of 3 lovely kids. Ok so im saying this not having ever met her kids, but from what i know of Jenny its pretty much a given that she is a fab mother so her kids wouldnt have stood a chance but to be anyting other than lovely!

As well as being a great mother Jenny is just an all round delightful person! The family dorm would not be the same without her, and i think everyone would agree that it is a better place when she is around. Some1 even said to me the other day that Jenny is one of there all time favourite people! I questioned what had taken them so long to work this out but hey ... were not perfect!

So would be rude not to say it once more ... Happy Birthday Jenny! I hope that you have a wonderful day :D


Unknown said...

here here

carmen said...

I agree. Jenny is pretty fantastic. Happy Birthday!

natalie said...

i concur