Thursday, July 17, 2008

Under the weather ...

So unfortunately i have to report that im a little under the weather at the moment. I started feeling a bit ill on Tue night, but was having such a nice time that i thought i had got over it, guess i was just a little distracted for a while! So yesterday i was feeling pretty rough for most of the day. I had moments where i was feeling alot better so i knew that it wasnt anythin too serious!

So this morning im feelin better yet again, but when you eat like a horse like me, when your body goes without food for even just a day its all a little confusing, so im now in some sort of limbo between feeling ill and wanting to eat ... so i shall try some toast me thinks!

Ok so i have something a little more important to blog about so gonna do that ...

UPDATE: so im doin alot better now :D feelin almost 100% and have eaten just about normally today ... maybe a little less than normal but almost there!

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