So arriving in Kansas City late Friday night i was greeted by master Aaron in a wheelchair. Of course within a matter of seconds i was in my own wheelchair and we were racing around Kansas city airport ... start as you mean to go on i guess ...
So the weekend was pretty chilled, Sat played a little Mario with Aaron and his friend, and fellow band member Chris. Then we hit up Aarons restaurant for a little tasty Italian action! Of course being of a mature age we then played hide and seek in the dark in some park followed by some strange apple game at one of the peoples houses.
So Sunday i think i spent prob the most time ever in church for one human being!!!
8:45-11:45 Aarons church
1:30-3:30 Went with Aaron to his band practice which was in a church!
4:00-9:00 helped out at 2 youth clubs, yes you guessed it ... in a church!
So Monday day we just chilled out and got ourselves ready for a littl St Louis action
So on this rather momentus trip was ... Aaron ... Kellie (Aarons lady friend) ... Grace (Kellie's friend) and me of course!
So we hit up St louis for 3 days and we managed to fit in a few things! So Tuesday we sent at 6 flags, which is an theme park/water park, which was pretty cool! We hit up a few roller coasters then got a little wet in the water park! Thank goodness i wasn't with my woosey sisters ;) So i think the best ride was this thing u went in a kinda rubber dingy and down this tube into this kinda funnel like thing, very hard to explain. Anyways, due to us bein about right on the weight limit we managed to go the highest up the side of this thing of any1 we saw so that was pretty sweet!
Wednesday we hit up St Louis Zoo, as zoo's go i have to say it was pretty good. Then onto which i have been lead to believe is the "big attraction" of St Louis... THE ARCH!!! so its a strange kinda thing, built in the 60's its meant to be the gateway to the West, but im not really sure how much you could fit though it cause it really isnt that wide!!! So you go up in this kinda scary lift cable car thing and then get to see all of St Louis from a higher angle!
So that was St Louis, of course we did a little eating, sleeping and poop'in but im sure you dont need to know about all that jazz!
So back in Kansas City now ... not really sure what is planned, well Aaron's band has a gig Monday which im looking forward to ... but as for now im off for a little walk!
So i hope your all doin well wherever you are!!!
Cooking at school
10 years ago