Friday, August 15, 2008

Kansas to St Louis

So arriving in Kansas City late Friday night i was greeted by master Aaron in a wheelchair. Of course within a matter of seconds i was in my own wheelchair and we were racing around Kansas city airport ... start as you mean to go on i guess ...

So the weekend was pretty chilled, Sat played a little Mario with Aaron and his friend, and fellow band member Chris. Then we hit up Aarons restaurant for a little tasty Italian action! Of course being of a mature age we then played hide and seek in the dark in some park followed by some strange apple game at one of the peoples houses.

So Sunday i think i spent prob the most time ever in church for one human being!!!

8:45-11:45 Aarons church
1:30-3:30 Went with Aaron to his band practice which was in a church!
4:00-9:00 helped out at 2 youth clubs, yes you guessed it ... in a church!

So Monday day we just chilled out and got ourselves ready for a littl St Louis action

So on this rather momentus trip was ... Aaron ... Kellie (Aarons lady friend) ... Grace (Kellie's friend) and me of course!

So we hit up St louis for 3 days and we managed to fit in a few things! So Tuesday we sent at 6 flags, which is an theme park/water park, which was pretty cool! We hit up a few roller coasters then got a little wet in the water park! Thank goodness i wasn't with my woosey sisters ;) So i think the best ride was this thing u went in a kinda rubber dingy and down this tube into this kinda funnel like thing, very hard to explain. Anyways, due to us bein about right on the weight limit we managed to go the highest up the side of this thing of any1 we saw so that was pretty sweet!

Wednesday we hit up St Louis Zoo, as zoo's go i have to say it was pretty good. Then onto which i have been lead to believe is the "big attraction" of St Louis... THE ARCH!!! so its a strange kinda thing, built in the 60's its meant to be the gateway to the West, but im not really sure how much you could fit though it cause it really isnt that wide!!! So you go up in this kinda scary lift cable car thing and then get to see all of St Louis from a higher angle!

So that was St Louis, of course we did a little eating, sleeping and poop'in but im sure you dont need to know about all that jazz!

So back in Kansas City now ... not really sure what is planned, well Aaron's band has a gig Monday which im looking forward to ... but as for now im off for a little walk!

So i hope your all doin well wherever you are!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time in Denver

So i have left Denver behind now ... but here are just a few of the things i got up2 ...

Trip to the mall (shopping center really) ... So me and Janae took a little trip to one of the local malls! Which i have to say was pretty cool, i managed to pick myself up some pretty funky new sun glasses ...

And i guess it was always gonna happen that we would have a little fun somewhere or other ... well this time it was in the apple store, using their comp's we managed to take various shots and we even left one for them as their new wallpaper ... im sure they were pretty pleased about that!!! This is a bit of a classic one ...

So on Wednesday Janae had the whole day off work so we decided that it be best that we should take a little trip downtown ... we didnt expect to meet some giant blue bear though!!!

And then there was the cannons that we high jacked ....

And there was this conference center that we kinda found ourselves in ... and well everyone had these badges around their necks ... so we kinda hit up a little bit of that action and we got ourselves a badge with the thing you hang round your neck as well!

So later that evening we got to go out to dinner and then to chill out and see a movie with 2 of the sweetest guys i know ... Master Darren McCarthy, who was one of my outreach leaders and Master David Zuidema, who was on my DTS and is a total legend! So that really was a fun time, i got to eat some more panda which really works for me and to see David get electric shocked over and over when playing this game in a shop at the mall was priceless ... all i have to say David is ... Goooooooood JJJJJJJJobbbbbbb (it makes sense if you have seen Handcock)

So Thu we sneaked in a cheeky little trip to red rocks which was pretty cool, for those of you that dont know what red rocks is ... well shame on you!!! (Red Rocks is a geologically formed, open-air Amphitheatre)

So Thu nite was pretty sweet, all week i had been trying to sort out with one of my friends Clay to meet him, but it just never seemed to work out. I was kinda feeling really tired but was on the comp and just about to go to bed (was about 11:30) and i hear some1 racking the pool balls behind me, which i thought was a pretty strange event at that time of night, so i turn round, and who do i see ... my boy Clay!!! so early night outta the window and we played pool like old times, game after game, and Clay said it really was like old times cause he only won like 4 outta 30, but i told him it was the taking part that counts and he was happy enough! So it was proper sweet just to hang out and chat our way through so many games of pool, sharing stories of old, and talkin about steps forward for us both was cool. So finally after Jo joining us and greeting the returning outreaches we made it to be about 3:30 i think.

So it was worship fri morning at 9, so Clay who had crashed on the bed above me hit snooze 1 times too many i feel and i was awoke to "erm Sam ... its 9:02" so we just grabbed the nearest clothes to us both and ran to the worship center. Ok so it was worship as you may have first thought ... worship is a lifestyle not just singing songs ... So everyone was playing various games, so me clay and Janae (who thankfully was also late!) hit up a game of ultimate Frisbee ... and this really was ultimate!!! 5 v4 and the pitch was flipping huge!!! So im not gonna lie it was a struggle, i was feeling sick from the lack of sleep and then pretty much i just ran up and down a field for over and hour ... fun of course but man i was tired!

So the rest of the day went pretty quick just hanging out with some new friends from the DTS and SBS schools that were going on ... And it was time for me to leave Denver.

I had a really good time in Denver, i manged to get time to myself to just relax, spend time with God, spend time in his word. But also i had alot of good times! with old and new friends alike i enjoyed the whole week and am really glad that i made Denver a stop on my trip. So me and janae kinda realised that we didn't have any photos 2gether, so i shall leave you with one of us ... So here is me and my little American sister Janae :D

Sunday, August 10, 2008

its a coming

so its like 3:12 am right now and aaron has told me church is at 8:45am so im gonna leave it that im gonna try and get on 2morrow and update you all about my week in denver and the first couple of days in Kansas city

but just incase any1 reads this before then, im doin really good, had a lovely time in denver and am doin likewise in KC

love to you all

samuel :D

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Like old times ...

So ive been at Denver just about 2 days now ... and well i think i can say it sure doesn't feel like ive been away 3 years!!! Even on the hour walk that it took me to get here it felt like id been away a matter of weeks not years. Walking down streets i could pretty much remember most of the memorial sights and shops. Walking round the corner to get my first sight of the base ... well it just felt like home again i guess.

So i even have got the same bed from my time here before which is pretty cool!

So i guess i should say what ive been up2 ... well a little of this and a little of that! There are two schools running atm, a DTS (Discipleship training school) and a SBS (School of biblical studies) and they are both pretty small 14 and 7. But i can say that the people here make up for the lack of numbers. They have all been so nice and welcoming to me. I know a fair few staff but there not around on weekends so the DTS guys and girls have pretty much taken me in and included me in stuff they have been doin, i even got an invite to go back to my old laundry mat this afternoon, which was kinda tempting for old times sake, but instead i choose to just have some time to myself, take a little walk and have a little read!

So Friday nite i join a little outing to roller skating, which was pretty cool, we use to have a place near us but it closed when i was like knee high and haven't been since so it was all a little confusing at first but got the hang of it soon enough! So yesterday i spent morning/early afternoon with Janae from my dts, we just chilled out and grab lunch at my new fave place to eat ... panda express! twice in a week now for that, and im pretty sure it wont be the last time either! Then in the evening i went with 4 of the dts'ers to a cinema to grab a little off base time which was cool. So early this morning was spent sleeping, which was nice to finally get a lie in!

They have a newer pool table here since i was here last which is cool cause this one doesn't slope everything towards one pocket so have fitted a few games in with some of the guys here.

So i shall update you on other fun things that happen in my week no doubt!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Denver here i am

Ok, so ive had a bit of a day of it ... So i arrived and had a sweet time with Janae, so then it was time for me to go to my place of resisdence for the week ... ok so i got there and well i had just prayed that this week was for God and that i wanted to start trusting him more ... well this place ... i would def lied to mum about its thats all :D but im down with stepping outta my comfort zone and such

well to cut a long story short ... im not stayin there any more, within arriving at the base i was told that i should stay here, and well i wasnt gonna argue, infact on the hour walk in 100 degree heat i even prayed that it was in God's hands and that his will be done and that if i was to stay at the base i wasnt gonna ask but some1 would sort it out ... and well the wonderful Jo did

so here i am, at the base for a week ... what this week is gonna bring im not too sure ... but its gonna be fun, exciting im sure and gonna be nice to just chill out :D